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The Complete Guide For Job Search Success!

    Whether you’re looking for a new job, getting a pay increase, or just want to find a career you’ll love, knowing how to find the perfect job for you can be a daunting task.

    young woman working

    The Complete Guide to Recruiting Recruiters

      Recruiters are a vital part of the job search. They are the people who manage the job market and review resumes, making it easier for companies to hire the best candidates. 

      The future of work - using virtual reality goggles

      The Future of Work Isn’t What You Think

        The future of work isn’t what you think it will be. Instead of the predictions of mass unemployment, we’re actually seeing more people working than ever before—and in better jobs than ever before.

        Talents in a meeting working together

        How to Attract and Retain Top Talent

          If your business isn’t able to attract top talent, it won’t stay competitive in the long run. When it comes to employee retention, company culture is often cited as the key to keeping workers on board and happy.

          Employer meeting

          How to Find The Right Recruiter for The Job?

            There are a few types of recruiters to be aware of when looking for a recruiter: head hunters, contingency/ retained search, contract recruiters, placement agencies, and staffing firms. In addition, there are recruiters that specialize in specific industries and categories.

            Sending CV to recruiters

            The 5 recruiters archetypes you’ll meet in HR

              Recruiters come in many different shapes and sizes, each with its unique style and approach to finding the perfect candidates for a job opening. Here are five of the most common types of recruiters in HR, as well as an overview of their best skills and worst weaknesses.